

  I was born and raised in rural Arkansas in 1966, in a small community called Gourdneck (yep..its a real place!) World War 2 vet for a dad and a mom that would eventually become a nurse.

  Joined the Military and left as soon as i graduated from High School, and was first assigned to Anchorage Alaska as a first duty station.

   I consider myself Alaskan because i "grew up" in Alaska and it has kind of defined who i am.

    I am a single full time dad of a highschooler and we are in Saudi Arabia as of this update, my main focus is to get him grown, graduated and self sufficent.....After that, I have ZERO idea as to what i will be doing or where ill be at..... so i guess ill just see what happens.

  May 2020..

     Welp.... Bailey and my adopted son Jordan have finished school..... Man, how quick time flies....I plan on leaving soon(ish) but I have no definate plan.....

    OCT 2020,

   Back stateside!!!!!!

    JAN 2021..

    Took a contract in Tucson Arizona, still no idea where ill wind up at, but sunshine and getting some miles on my bike seem like a great winter project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  May 2021- Mar 2022.

   A call out of the blue from and old co-worker placed me in Chino California working an a restoration of Gen. Douglas McArthers Constalation.... i wont bore you with details, but it was on of the coolest projects I have ever worked on.... HANDS DOWN!!!!!

  I will post a few pics later on, but due to the confidentiality of the person funding it, i cant/wont say anything publicly until the owner has given his approval.

Jan 2022 will forever be a pivotal point in my life, I was working In Aurora Oregon for Aerometals International, when i statred feeling like crap.... I walked across the parking lot from the handag, and was pretty promptly taken to Salem Hospital with a high heart rate, super high blood pressure and feeling like ass on a ham sandwich. Turned out i had Atrial Fiberlation and after 2 surguries to correct it, looks like im going to make it.....


July 2022...

   Here I sit in Bydgoszcz (sounds like Bid gosht) Poland.... Who the fuck would have ever thought i would be here..... DAMNED SURE NOT THIS GUY!!!!!!


   Whelp.... I guess i need to update more. I just returned from Washington and have put everything in place to start a Motorcycle only campground.

  Check out to see the latest.